Telefon: +48 22 862 87 22

UAV equipment, sensors, integration

The MSP company has design and manufacturing capabilities for electronics and mechatronics like autonomous flight control systems, tracking antennas and photo-triggers, tracking heads and others.

MSP has many years of experience in the use of various sensors and their integration with unmanned platforms. As a result of various R&D projects the company has designed, manufactured and integrated:

  • one- and two-camera stabilized gimbals in RGB and thermal IR range
  • photogrammetric camera heads
  • aerial scanners suspensions for Riegl, Yellowscan
  • digital photo cameras suspensions, including medium format cameras (i.e. PhasOne)
  • suspensions of acoustic sensors (i.e. Microflown), remote sensig (i.e. SAR), multispectral cameras​